Monday, September 15, 2008

Red Alert 3 Beta review

Well this has been long in the making, anyway, these reviews should SLOWLY become better, fancier and really, overall better but for the moment you're gonna have to put up with just text and a odd grade

Discliamer(or whatever its called):( The scores that are given to these games are mearly how much I enjoyed them by all the different area put together, not on AWESOME they may be, this is because the people who might read these will know that if they like what i like there safe to get it, not "it's a really awesome game, everyone should try it" but you later find out that YOU personally don't like it[Long huh])



The Red Alert Beta, is just that a beta so its hard to talk critically about it, with all the problems beta's have, but then this is no ordinary beta, this beta is something spacial, so special that what I said before doesn't apply to this beta at all. The RA3 beta was something that I personally looked forward but was very disappointing, The thing that was the most disappointing was EA. EA made some huge stuff-ups, even from the very beginning, to start of they cocked up the beta key distribution as the people who got in early were went to get the keys first but did this happen, no it didn't, instead a hand full of people who entered there key the day it came in actually got the key while most others registered around julyish,(with the game coming out early may), this was quite huge but after that they kept making mistakes, which came in the deceptive form of patches, these patches where meant to make balance changes, but in doing so EA cocked it up somehow, when ever a new patch came out, it always seemed to create a new problem, some of the biggest problems include the Assault destroyer, an anti armor ship being made to only shoot underwater targets (with a deck gun oddly enough) when it should have been able to to hit both, and another that caused a path finding problem, where you would tell a unit to move forward 5 meters only to have it turn around run around the entire map just to get to the position, but there are many more that I can't quite remember right now.

Anyway that enough EA bagging... for now. The game has great music, which changes dynamically with the situation which isn't new but its nice, great unit balances, great factions and good fun. although there are many bugs in the beta it's still good fun to play with other people non-competitively online, just having fun and since it's a beta its all the problems can be fixed but there isn't that long for the problems to be fixed since RA3 comes out in a month. I'd have to say, it's only good fun at best and a broken toy that can't be fixed or returned at worst, more the later lately.

Although to go back to attacking EA, they decided to release the beta keys with kanes wrath, an exspansion pack to C&C3:TW, the game to say the most was a failure, it destroyed balance between the teams and such, it seems that they put the beta keya into the game so people would actually buy kane wrath, sure it had a sorta nice story but it was broken. this shameless ploy by EA is just stupid andpointless, as i have read many people a bitch'n about, most are right.

Anyway, I seem to have strayed a little, as the beta is at the moment it would seem to e just a cash cow for EA, they took a title that people love and admire and are taking it apart...slowly. in conclusion, a broken beta, that could be salvaged but my hopes aren't to high, we'll just have to wait for the full version.

In the near future i will be putting up a list of what games i'm in the process of playing and reviewing. stayed tuned for some Star wars...

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