Thursday, February 14, 2008

red hearts

Well today it's valentines day, not much of an exciting event, well at least for me it is. anyway some people I talked to today don't seem to think much of valentines day or fined it over-rated, though I don't really see how... but thats not the point, I don't really have a point i'm just saying happy valentines day for those who has themselves a valentine and to those who don't well try typing something like this while listening to let it be played on the piano with nothing else and tell me how you feel, then I have something to say to you but until then chances have it that I probably hate you so really... happy valentines day


Zer0eth said...

But what if someone wants to comment on your blog in general? THEN what??

Anyway, two things. Firstly, you need a cbox. It allows people to *see above par.*
Secondly, seriously man, at least spell your TITLE correctly...jeez..

Yang said...

(To zer0eth)

Jeez man... don't have a cow dude...
*see previous sentence*